Was Your Child Taken to a Foreign Country by Your Ex? We May Be Able to Help

When you are the primary residential parent of your children, you may live in fear that your ex will try to take your children without permission. This is especially worrisome if your ex has ties to a foreign country. If the unthinkable happens and your child is taken out of the country—or is not returned after an approved visit—there are international laws in place to protect your rights. In some cases, Natalie de Maar can represent you in your fight to get your children back.

What Is the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Abduction?

A treaty among approximately 75 countries, including the United States, the purpose of the Convention is to protect children who have been taken to another Convention country by a parent by encouraging the children’s prompt return to their country of habitual residence. The Convention supports the idea that custody matters should be decided by courts in the child’s country of habitual residence and that other countries should uphold those decisions. A complete list of Hague Convention countries can be found here. In general, partner nations include countries in North America, Central and South America, and Europe, as well as Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea. The rest of Asia, most of the Middle East, most African nations, and former Soviet countries have not joined the Convention.

Why Call de Maar Law?

Hague Convention cases are complicated and time is of the essence. One defense the abducting parent may have is that, if the child has been in the other country for more than a year, it would be too traumatic to return him or her to the rightful parent. That is why it is important that you retain experienced legal counsel as soon as possible after the child is taken to start the Hague Convention process. Natalie de Maar is one of the few attorneys in the Seattle area qualified to take these cases. If your ex-spouse had taken your child or children to another country without your permission, call today to talk to Natalie about your case.   

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